
Ally Zlatar is an artist and activist. She is the founder of The Starving Artist; an artist initiative that utilizes creative voices as a way to create advocacy and systemic reform. She also founded The Starving Artist Scholarship Fund which helps people access inpatient treatment for eating disorders. Her "This Body of Mine" campaign explores migrant experiences through creative voices and has helped support individuals and artists from refugee-seeking backgrounds globally.
Ally Zlatar has received the highest accolade a young person can achieve for their humanitarian work; winner of The Princess Diana Legacy Award 2021, King Hamad Award for Youth Empowerment 2022, Y20 Award Finalist for Diversity and Inclusion (Youth 20 by G20 Summit) and also special recognition from The British Citizen Award 2022.
Exploring art-making as a methodology that suggests the human condition is more complex than it is currently understood. Zlatar examines, instigates and provokes notions of the individual experience by focusing on the themes of illness, vulnerability, and authenticity of one’s lived-in experience. Zlatar explores her personal narratives and life experiences to guide her exploration of self-identity and self-perception in our modern discourse. She utilizes auto-ethnographic experiences and art as a catalyst for change-making.
She holds a BFA in Visual Art & Art History from Queen's University & an MLitt Curatorial Practice and Contemporary Art from the Glasgow School of Art. Her Doctorate of Creative Arts is with the University of Southern Queensland focusing on embodied experiences of eating disorders in contemporary art. Zlatar is a Lecturer at the University of Glasgow (Anderson College) and has taught at KICL London, and the University of Essex (UEIC).
Ally acknowledges power within the un-well body and believes there is tremendous value and potency by examining it through the contemporary art lens. Zlatar uses her work as a form of art activism to continuously interpret, communicate and facilitate discourse to make a difference in society.
Ally Zlatar has received the highest accolade a young person can achieve for their humanitarian work; winner of The Princess Diana Legacy Award 2021, King Hamad Award for Youth Empowerment 2022, Y20 Award Finalist for Diversity and Inclusion (Youth 20 by G20 Summit) and also special recognition from The British Citizen Award 2022.
Exploring art-making as a methodology that suggests the human condition is more complex than it is currently understood. Zlatar examines, instigates and provokes notions of the individual experience by focusing on the themes of illness, vulnerability, and authenticity of one’s lived-in experience. Zlatar explores her personal narratives and life experiences to guide her exploration of self-identity and self-perception in our modern discourse. She utilizes auto-ethnographic experiences and art as a catalyst for change-making.
She holds a BFA in Visual Art & Art History from Queen's University & an MLitt Curatorial Practice and Contemporary Art from the Glasgow School of Art. Her Doctorate of Creative Arts is with the University of Southern Queensland focusing on embodied experiences of eating disorders in contemporary art. Zlatar is a Lecturer at the University of Glasgow (Anderson College) and has taught at KICL London, and the University of Essex (UEIC).
Ally acknowledges power within the un-well body and believes there is tremendous value and potency by examining it through the contemporary art lens. Zlatar uses her work as a form of art activism to continuously interpret, communicate and facilitate discourse to make a difference in society.
The Interview
At what point in your life did you know that you wanted to become an artist? Did the realization emerge slowly?
I think for me, I started to find my artistic voice in the final years of high school. I decided tp pursue a university degree in fine art (which totally crushed my passion for painting). but I think that stayed with me. It wasn't until my PhD where I had a chance to start to actually re-engage with the artist within me and that fire hasn't dimmed since.
How did you evolve your style and favorite mediums?
Both an exploration of my technical strengths and also time, and financial resources. Acrylic painting is relatively cheaper than most other mediums and at the same time, it allowed me to create highly intricate works that often explored my hyper-realistic autoethnographic works and memory scapes.
What are your time management techniques? Do you have regular working hours...or favorite times to work?
I am probably the worst person to ask since I have been diagnosed with OCD so whenever I have a task, I can't do anything else until it is completed. But, I find that lists help me be aware of what is a high priority, on the go, and can be done later.
Do you work on more than one piece at a time, or primarily just on one?
I tend to work on sets or series, I love exploring a theme to the fullest and try to paint as much as I can with the subject and then progress onwards.
What would you say is your biggest influence--that which keeps you working, regardless of all else, your most steadfast motivation?
Honestly, I feel like my voice needs to be heard. Not enough change has been done within our systems and I think creative arts can be highly influential in systemic reform which is why I keep pushing for it.
Does trying something new and not knowing the rules -- the boundary pushing -- create anxiety or excitement in you? (Or both?)
ANXIETY, I am a creature of comfort and chaos is so uncertain for me, I probably should do more, but baby steps ha ha ha...
Do you enjoy having the "duality of both chaos and control" or are you happiest with a set plan?
I need a plan, to be honest, my life has so many chaotic and uncontrollable elements, that I seek comfort in the things I can control. Plans keep me in line when the world around me is unstable.
Do you have any projects or events forthcoming?
Yes, I am working on an exhibition with Her Period Dignity in Thailand for menstruation rights and period equity so if that is of interest, check out my socials to find out more :).
Bones and Flesh
I was Blind
Contact the artist directly:
[email protected]
[email protected]